Brand New Intro Block
One out of Three
Brand New Blocks
This page is dedicated to showcasing our newest blocks added to Lovely2 as a free update. The new blocks offer more options to customize your site with Lovely2, each block is made with versatility in mind so that you can use them in various creative ways. We really hope you will like them.
For instance, this text was written using Image block 3, only without adding an Image and Button.

The all new
Image Block
This is the new Image Block.

One more
Image Block
This new Image Block offers you 2 different layouts for buttons and also allows you to easily re-order the areas.
Same Block, different layout
Wedding Day Storytelling
This layout allows you to add as many links as you like. You can use them to show travel dates, perhaps some workshop links or anything else you need.

50/50 Image Links Block
Allows you to create easily side by side images or text and you can even combine them both as we did here.
We love because it’s the only true adventure
A precious moment, a lovely image, can be

New Image Links Block
With Images

Package 1
Duis finibus erat eget tortor dictum bibendum. Fusce consequat nisl non lorem consequat efficitur non sed metus.

Package 2
Duis finibus erat eget tortor dictum bibendum. Fusce consequat nisl non lorem consequat efficitur non sed metus.

Package 3
Duis finibus erat eget tortor dictum bibendum. Fusce consequat nisl non lorem consequat efficitur non sed metus.
New Image Links Block
Without Images
Link Title Goes here
Duis finibus erat eget tortor dictum bibendum. Fusce consequat nisl non lorem consequat efficitur non sed metus.
Link Title Goes here
Duis finibus erat eget tortor dictum bibendum. Fusce consequat nisl non lorem consequat efficitur non sed metus.
Link Title Goes here
Duis finibus erat eget tortor dictum bibendum. Fusce consequat nisl non lorem consequat efficitur non sed metus.

Professional Guide To Wedding Photography
Nam vitae felis odio. Integer a nisl at urna viverra vulputate a quis ante. Vestibulum cursus aliquet ante, et iaculis lectus feugiat eget.