Our new theme CANNES does have a lot of blocks (we have created 3 pages to list most of them, but still not all)! You will get – 3 contact blocks, 7 listings, 3 different category switchers, 3 blocks for FAQ, 5 info type of blocks, multiple blocks with links (about 8), 2 testimonials, 2 sliders, 2 video blocks and many others.
Check Contact menu to see the options for contact blocks, Video Portfolio for listing options and single video post features (here you have 3 templates for video posts), Blogs with 2 templates for blogposts and Galleries and 2 gallery templates here. Please note that you can use video content in all 3 post types – posts, galleries and videos, however the videos have the most options to setup the video listing effects.
The blocks included to this page are 4 Featured Links and 3 Image Links blocks, Intro and Newsletter block. Check for other “All Blocks” pages to see other blocks you can play with.